Simplified Well System Inspection & Well Pump Flow Test - This is a non-invasive, visual and measurement test, only. Systems are not dismantled. Existing, in-place systems and components at time of inspection were inspected without modification or adjustments.
What the Test Is:
The well pump flow test will give an estimate of what the private well system produces at the fixtures. This end production is affected by the well, water pump, water tank, pump controls, supply piping, height of the building, strainers, and the condition of the fixtures. This well pump flow test will tell you what the average flow rate is at your water supply fixtures and will tell you if it meets any minimum requirements that may exist for your transaction. This well inspection should determine adequacy of the systems pressure, flow rate, and minimum yield for at least one fixture on the date of the inspection.
Well pump tests performed by Details Home Inspections, LLC. will give you a reference point to help you decide if further, more in-depth testing of the well, its depth, pumping equipment, water tanks and appurtenant systems and components should be done by a specialist.
When the well pump flow test is running, we're taking lots of water out of the system, the well pump will usually run continuously. If the well pump is running continuously, and if pressure is not fluctuating, then all of the pump output is going to the building fixtures and a reasonable estimate of the flow-rate capacity of the water supply system - that is, an estimate of the capability of the well pump to send up water - can be made. However, this estimate is impacted by a number of variables, such as, the size/type of fixtures, strainers, faucets, pipe diameters, pipe clogs, the buildings distribution piping and the pump size, pressure tank, and water storage tank.
Details Home Inspections, provide the apparent general condition of any visible pump, pressure tank, storage tank and appurtenant components at the time of inspection and report these items to you. Well pump tests performed by Details Home Inspections, will give you a reference point to help you decide if further, more in-depth testing of the well, its depth, pumping equipment, water tanks and appurtenant systems and components should be done a specialist.
What the Test is Not:
The well pump flow testing done by Details Home Inspections, is not a total yield test, recovery test, or draw-down test, but a more simplified volume/flow capacity test. This well flow test will not tell you the total per-minute production capability of your well before it no longer supplies water (draw-down). The test will not tell you when the well was drilled, how deep the well is, the make, model or size of a submersible pump. It will not give the age of any well casing, pump, pressure tank, storage tank and appurtenant components at the time of inspection. The test does not use a commercial pump that is capable of pulling water out of the well faster than it flows into the well. This test does not test water quality (Unless requested for additional testing). The test does not make any guaranty or warranty, either stated or implied on water quality, age, workmanship, or life expectancy on any items or components inspected. This well inspection does not guarantee that the well system will always produce enough water for the occupants and desired use of the property.